We come to you!
Life Films
(A New Service from User Friendly Computer Services)

How richer might our lives be if we knew the TRUE stories of those who came before us from their own lips or writings? Over time, family history often becomes embroidered and confusing with incorrect information and fanciful tales. The truth is many times more interesting than less factual versions.
Leave behind a visual and verbal record for your descendants. Share your life's journey, life lessons and words of wisdom through picture, video and audio content.
Do you have a special talent? Are you an amateur or professional singer, dancer, ukulele player, sculptor, ventriloquist, artist, chef, etc.? Show it off. Display your uniqueness. Or ...
Just sit and talk. About your life, your family and family history, the times we live in, your concerns, political views, religion, subjects important to you. What an amazing gift to leave your descendants.
Everyone has a story to tell. Let User Friendly help you tell yours.