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Due to the recent pandemic we are implementing a new policy to ensure our safety and yours.


User Friendly technicians had been vaccinated and will come to your service call with a face mask. The face mask is changed daily.


Our technician will not enter your business or residence if you are not wearing a face mask, even if you've been vaccinated. All clients and people inside, in the same room, or within 12 feet of the technician are required to wear a face mask.

If you do not wish to wear a face mask, if possible, the technician may be willing to perform the service outside, but will require that you maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet or more (the technician will specify their comfort level).

Refusal to comply with the terms above will result in the technician leaving and you will be charged the minimum amount for a service call.

Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation during these unprecedented times.

User Friendly Computer Services


 User Friendly


On-site or Remote Services

Call us M-F 9AM-5PM

Laguna Beach Computer Service

T: (949) 204-9923

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Why Choose User Friendly Computer Services?

On-site service: We come to your home or office

Trusted, reliable and professional technicians

Serving Laguna Beach and surrounding cities

Wide range of services for all your tech needs


Call us today at 1-949-485-1767 or schedule your appointment online!

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